HeLP GP for Practices

1. Introduction

This is a full list of all features and related topics for the HeLP GP Practice Client Application.

1.1 Project Aim

The HeLP GP Research Project (Health eLiteracy for Prevention in General Practice), is a study which aims to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of a primary care-based preventive care intervention which is tailored to the needs of and develops the knowledge and skills of overweight or obese patients with low health literacy.

The project is lead by Professor Mark Harris of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity from the University of NSW, and Professor Nigel Stocks of the Discipline of General Practice – Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, from the University of Adelaide.

2. HeLP GP Practice Client Application

2.1 Overall Concept

The HeLP GP Practice Client Application is part of a research solution produced by the Doctors Control Panel Services (who also produced the DCP product). It works as a client used at General Practice, together with a secure cloud data store, and a researchers client that reviews statistical data. The data collected is deidentified and only to the scope of this Target Population Group as selection criteria:

– Age 45 to 75 years
– Location as living in LGAs with a SEIFA score below the 6th decile
– No Conditions of Stroke, Diabetes, IHD, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, SchizoAffective, ValvularHD, Heart Failure, Rheumatic Heart
– BMI >= 28 last 12 months
– Weight = timing requirement of value recorded in last 12 months
– No Insulin or Weight Loss Medications

2.2 Installation

You can download the HeLP GP Practice Client from this Page:

The HeLP GP Practice Client (hereafter referred to as the Client software) will run alongside the DCP Product. They do not conflict with each other and operate independently of each other, performing different functions. You do not need to DCP to use the Client software.

2.3 System Requirements

Installed clinical AND billing package.
Clinical package: Medical Director or Best Practice Premier.
Billing package: PracSoft or Best Practice Billing.

Note: that the billing package is required as the program utilises the appointment features available in the billing package.

The Client’s prerequisite software requirements will be met, provided that the correct medical software is installed. (This includes all prerequisite runtime requirements).

Firewall Requirements
The Client software will require access to the Internet.
If a firewall is in use on the workstation HeLP GP Practice Client software will need to be allowed through the firewall if a whitelisting type firewall setup exists.

Hardware requirements
An installed printer will be required during the recruitment phase 2 printout recruitment sheets.
The printer must be turned on and accessible to the workstation where the trial software is installed.

Determining where to install the Client software.
The Client software is best installed on a physical workstation connected directly to a printer stop
The workstation should be in use each day by secretarial staff at the front desk.
It is best that only one user profile is used to logon to the machine.
The Client software should be installed into the user profile that is in use daily on the workstation.

If multiple users are logging onto the workstation under different user profiles, then the HeLP GP Practice Client software can be installed into each user profile.

Starting up the Client software each day.
The Client software will start automatically for a user having installed the Client software, when that user logs on to the workstation.

Use in a terminal services environment.
The software can be installed in a terminal services environment and must be installed within the terminal services window, where the clinical and billing package is installed.

Impact on the system of using Client software.
The Client Software is a lightweight program which has very minimal hardware requirements and impacts only lightly on the overall CPU usage of the system.
It does not interact with other software installed on the system and cannot interfere with other software.
It does not write to the clinical software database.

Security issues.
The Client software has been digitally signed with a secure Authenticode software code signing certificate.
The Client software is similar to the existing DCP Product main software which is installed in 700 practices across Australia with over 2000 users. They do not conflict with each other and operate independently of each other, performing different functions.

More information and suggestions about the installation can be found in the FAQ below.

2. Document Guides

The following document guides are listed in the following table. Some might be related to each other where a video guide has a matching document guide which could contain for detail.

Name Description Document Video Date
HeLP GP DCP Trial Practice Client Information A outline to the installation and initialisation of the HeLP GP Practice Client. PDF File 1-May-2018
 HeLP GP White Paper An introduction to the HeLP GP Practice Client. PDF File 15-Jan-2018

3. FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions are detailed in the FAQ Page.