Diabetes PIP Issue – 20171220

A DCP user reported that one of their GP’s noticed an issue with the DCP regarding a diabetes item number.
The item billed was 2522/1 (dar home visit for 1 patient). She feels it hasn’t updated the DIABPIP tab in DCP as it is still yellow. DIABASSESS has updated correctly, but not DIABPIP.


Anton responded noting that:

Was a problem with Home visit Diab PIP detection.

It will be fixed in the next release/update.

The DCP User responded:

Is there a SIMPLE way to run a daily list of who is eligible for an item 10997?

Anton responded later with the following improvement:

He set up a simple template in the Team Centric Documents for reviewing Due 10997.

In the functions panel overlay,

1) click on the ‘Team Centric Documents’ button.

2) Open the Due 10997 Template:

3) Then on the Date Selector – select the date:

4) Then on the Tabs to the Right Select Doctors:

5) Preview Patient List on the ‘Appointment List Tab’.
6) Click on the Preview Tab to view the content of the output of the template.

It is a simple way of running the days appointments through a template.

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